‘Aerodrome would hit Chilika’s biodiversity’

Why it is in news?
  • The Airports Authority of India’s move to set up a water aerodrome in Odisha’s Chilika Lake has stirred a controversy.
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  • Local politicians cutting across party lines, green activists and fishermen in Chilika have all opposed the proposal to set up an aerodrome in one of Asia’s largest brackish water lagoons, asserting that it would impact the lake’s biodiversity.
  • The proposed project has caught many unawares as adequate consultations have not been held for the project.
  • Fishermen under the aegis of the Chilika  Mastchyajibee Mahasangha a federation of local fishermen unions fear that the livelihood of around two lakh fishermen from 150 villages in and around the lake spread over the districts of Khordha, Puri and Ganjam may be affected on account of loss of spawning ground.
  • Prafulla Samantara, winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize, has accused the Centre and the State governments of tinkering with the biodiversity of the lagoon, which is designated a Ramsar site – wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention.
  • Instead of Chilika, the official suggested that Tampara Lake in Ganjam district may be considered for the proposed water aerodrome. Tampara Lake, being close to both Chilika Lake and National Highway 16, would serve the purpose well, he added.
The Hindu

Posted by Jawwad Kazi on 19th Aug 2018